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1.494 Bytes entfernt, 10:25, 11. Sep. 2024
remove GA4 snippet that was added completely wrongly without thinking by myself
/* Das folgende JavaScript wird für alle Benutzer geladen* * MediaWiki:Common. js */ // remove empty p-Tags & hide p-Tags only containing br-Tags$content = jQuery( '#content' );$content.remove( 'p:empty' );$content.find( 'p > br' ).each( function ( i, e ) { $br = jQuery( e ); if ( $br.siblings().length === 0 && $br.parent().text().trim().length === 0 ) { $br.parent().hide() }} ); // set language codevar languageCode = "de";var urlParameterDeEasy = "einfach";if ( window.location.href.indexOf( urlParameterDeEasy ) > -1 ) { languageCode = "de-easy";}jQuery( '#mw-content-text' ).attr( 'lang', languageCode );jQuery( 'body' ).attr( 'lang', languageCode ); // increase body height to match sidebar heightvar sidebarHeight = jQuery( '#mw-panel' ).outerHeight();var bodyHeight = jQuery( 'body.mediawiki' ).outerHeight();if ( sidebarHeight > bodyHeight ) { jQuery( '#footer' ).css( 'margin-bottom', sidebarHeight - bodyHeight );} else { jQuery( '#mw-panel' ).height( jQuery( 'body' ).height() )}
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