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Datei:Schlüpfendes Küken.jpg

27 Bytes entfernt, 15:02, 20. Dez. 2019
Maintenance data migration
{{ImageMetaTableBildinformationen|Beschreibung=Küken beim Schlüpfen|Urheber=Gveret Tered|Herausgeber=commons.wikimedia.org|Quelle={{ImageMetaSource|QuelleQuelleUrl=https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hatching.jpg}}|LizenzQuelleText={{ImageMetaLicense|URLLizenzUrl=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en|LizenzLizenzText=CC BY-SA 2.0}}|Originaltitel=There was an incubator-box-thingy in the agriculture building at The Big E. It didn't take much timing to get this, since chicks hatch very, very slowly. However, it did take some wrangling to get close enough to get this view. I still can't understand how it came out acceptably sharp--it was pretty dim in there, and the shutter speed is something insanely low.|Bearbeitung=Originalquelle: https://www.flickr.com/photos/98425334@N00/1739046816|GeoLand=|GeoRegion=|GeoGPSNorth=|GeoGPSEast=|Sonstiges=}}