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Datei:Advektionsnebel Golden Gate Bridge.jpg

693 Bytes hinzugefügt, 15:03, 20. Dez. 2019
Maintenance data migration
{{Bildinformationen|Beschreibung='''Golden Gate Bridge (USA) liegt im Advektionsnebel'''<br>Bildquelle|Urheber=Brocken Inaglory||QuelleUrl=https: [http//|QuelleText=|LizenzUrl= www|LizenzText=CC BY-SA 3.0|Originaltitel=Out of fog Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco in fog and w:crepuscular rays.pixelioThe image was sent to]<br>FotografAndrew T. Young,. Here's his description: "... it's unusual to see these shadows so clearly at such an oblique geometry: © catlovers /PIXELIOusually, the crepuscular rays are best seen in forward scattering, and much less well in back-scattering.But here, you're looking almost at right angles to the illuminating rays."|Bearbeitung=|GeoLand=|GeoRegion=|GeoGPSNorth=|GeoGPSEast=|Sonstiges=}}
