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Datei:Skizze Camera obscura.jpg

27 Bytes entfernt, 15:07, 20. Dez. 2019
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{{ImageMetaTableBildinformationen|Beschreibung=Skizze einer begehbaren Camera obscura|Urheber=McAllister||Quelle={{ImageMetaSource|QuelleQuelleUrl=}}|LizenzQuelleText={{ImageMetaLicense|URLLizenzUrl=|LizenzLizenzText=CC0 1.0}}|Originaltitel=Fig. 89. Camera for Exhibiting Surrounding Landscapes. (From the Catalogue of McAllister). In a kind of cupola at the top is situated a plane mirror and beneath that a projection objective. The cupola rotates, thus enabling the operator to bring any desired scene upon the horizontal screen within the room. Such cameras were once common at fairs and in parks|Bearbeitung=Originalquelle: Optic Projection: Principles, Installation and Use of the Magic Lantern, Projection Microscope, Reflecting Lantern, Moving Picture Machine, by Simon Henry Gage and Henry Phelps Gage, Ph.D. Ithaca, New York, Comstock Publishing Company. 1914. page 167. scanned by User:Davepape|GeoLand=|GeoRegion=|GeoGPSNorth=|GeoGPSEast=|Sonstiges=}}
