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Datei:Kampf mit Piraten.jpg

1.101 Bytes hinzugefügt, 15:09, 20. Dez. 2019
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'''{{Bildinformationen|Beschreibung=Piraten kämpften auch gegeneinander''' <br>Bildquelle|Urheber=Howard Pyle (1853–1911)||QuelleUrl=https: // <br>Autor/wiki/File:Pyle_pirates_deckfight.jpg|QuelleText=|LizenzUrl=|LizenzText=CC0 1.0|Originaltitel=The Combatants Cut and Slashed with Savage Fury: Blackbeard and his gang engage in a savage fight on the deck of a ship. This was originally published in Pyle, Howard (1894) Jack Ballister's Fortunes, The Century Company The oil painting, which the illustration was of, was sold in 1895 under the title Blackbeard's Last Fight, and is currently part of the Delaware Art Museum's collection. Pyle , Howard; Johnson, Merle De Vore (ed) (1853–19111921)"Jack Ballister's Fortunes" in Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates: Fiction, Fact & Fancy Concerning the Buccaneers & Marooners of the Spanish Main, New York, United States, and London, United Kingdom: Harper and Brothers, pp. Plate facing p. 146 Retrieved on 14 April 2010.|Bearbeitung=Upload to wikimedia by Beej71|GeoLand=|GeoRegion=|GeoGPSNorth=|GeoGPSEast=|Sonstiges=Dieses Werk ist gemeinfrei, weil seine urheberrechtliche Schutzfrist abgelaufen ist.}}
